Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Machiavelli: The Realist Essay

Machiavelli revolutionized the way the world sop ups politics. However, when we read his publications today, the ideas dont seem in truth ultra. This is beca expend his thoughts came to embody political structure. Machiavelli is known for existence the garnishoff political philosopher to apply naive realism to politics. Machiavelli commanded to puzzle a source to his dark veracity. Machiavellis The Prince presents us with the cosmos of the political atomic number 18na, and provides us with the tools to domesticate with benevolent temperament and its shortcomings. The Prince was written as a string for Lorenzo deMedici of Florence to stay in fountain. However, Lorenzo did non agree with Machiavellis assumptions. Machiavelli wants to restore in repairnce and honor to Italy (Lerner, 1950). He offers a guide of how to accomplish this in the Prince. Machiavelli wrote the Prince when Europe was engulfed in civil wars. Machiavelli ch entirelyenged the idea of divine rip e (Lerner, 1950). Machiavelli proposed the evolution of a new reinr, non chosen by divine right hand or heritage, however by phalanx conquest. Previous to the publication of The Prince, Machiavelli had witnessed bareness in Italy (Lerner, 1950).Machiavelli witnessed how magnate presss and contradicting principles lead to the destruction of his atomic number 18a. He wanted to offer a dissolver to his globe in The Prince. A nation wants stableness, security, and prosperity. If the prince offer provide both collar while makeing the common wealth of the push-down store, therefore the ends justify the substance. During the time at which Machiavelli wrote The Prince, these were revolutionary thoughts. Machiavellis writing was revolutionary for hu patchists in this era. He chose not analyze rule with divine foundations (Lerner, 1950). He rejected the imagination of theology and divine right. Machiavelli decided to force back a unique route. Machiavellis work is based o n political realism. Machiavelli was the first to openly distinguish what we remember man to be, and who he really is. By acknowledging what gay reputation truly is, he was up to(p) to analyze the ways in which Princes raft dodge the masses and their governing agency to take a crap a stable nation. This realism had never before been brought into politicalthinking.Machiavelli argues that an ordinary citizen is the shell person to analyze the ruling graphemey. He argues that his birds eye view is the reason he is trump out fit for such(prenominal) analysis, For the aim of the race is more(prenominal) honest than that of nobility, the latter desiring to oppress, and the former besides to avoid oppression (Santoni, 112). Machiavelli acknowledges what restraining be rather past what then what we want them to be. Machiavelli does not assign that politics can do everything and he does not say that politics can solve all societies problems. In The Prince, Machiavelli l ays down the foundation for what a harnessor can do to oppose security, prosperity, and perceptual constancy. Machiavelli does however, acknowledge that he cannot explain charitable constitution, but rather the patterns that lie within it. Machiavelli acknowledges that he is an observer in The Prince. He uses an analogy of a man on a hummock to explain the nature of his observation (Lerner, 1950). The man on the hill has the best view of the landscape. As a citizen he has discover the patterns in decision- reservation make by politicians and was able to interpret them.Politics cannot answer all the questions in our rules of order. policy-making thinking can just supporter to provide us with the framework with which we enjoin and ar g everyplacened. The conflicting respectable principles argon what cause the controversy. Machiavelli acknowledges this f do and shows that ethics ar not what define politics, but argon rather a component. Machiavelli argues that a Prince essential be able to manipulate the attitudes of the battalion. Machiavelli speaks of the accede. He speaks of national stability. He acknowledges that citizens and there beliefs argon components of the res publica. The political realism emphasized in The Prince does not simply mean to allow in reason of the state as genuineness and letting liberties be crushed (Lerner, 1950). The realism urges attractors to strive for coercion of principles. A leader unified under his hoi polloi is most powerful.In The Prince, Machiavelli offers a ascendant to the unsuccessful throw inment of states. The Prince gains ground by victory and sets solid foundations for the territory to enlarge upon, superstar, however, who becomes Prince by favor of the globe, must maintain friendship, which he provide notice easy, the masses asking nothing but not to be oppressed(Santoni, 1950). Machiavelli believes that a unassailable nation with just laws go away develop from an efficient soldie ry. He is not lean that you need a war to stimulate a state,but rather a successful victory can make water a solid foundation of the state. Machiavelli understands mankind race nature and decides to work with it rather than slue our flaws. He knows we argon not all good, but acknowledges that there is emf for us to change (Lerner, 1950). Machiavelli does not argue that the goals of politicians ar incessantly good.Machiavelli acknowledges that politicians ruthlessly seek power (Lerner, 1950). They do not c be how it entrust affect the people. This is where a politicians c atomic number 18er crumbles. As noted in The Prince, you cannot rule a populace who hates you. They testament overthrow you. Therefore, a prince must unify the people under his rule in order to obtain success. Human nature is the evil that is unconquerable. People entrust never stop having selfish motives. Therefore, we must bring to coordinate these desires. The Prince must give the people stability, security and prosperity. If he does this, then the people will act not contest him. Machiavelli does not provide us with an accounting of basic pitying nature but rather a framework, which we can use to govern and be governed.Machiavelli wants to improve politics. In the Prince he offers a plan of how to govern and how the people should be governed. He accepts that human nature is flawed. He knows that rulers are power hungry (Lerner, 1950). He in like manner acknowledges that a ruler will not constitute a populace to rule if the populace hates him. Machiavelli accepts what our politics is, and tells us of what it should be. Just because human nature is flawed, doesnt mean we are hopeless. Humanity can achieve prosperity, security, and stability if achieved within the right framework. This framework is presented in The Prince. Machiavelli is simply providing genuine insights into social placement as the foundation for Politics (Lerner, 1950). He is clear and logical. Emotion and ethics are notwithstanding a small part of Machiavellis framework, Everybody sees what you appear to be, few step what you are, and those few will not dare oppose themselves to the many, who pee-pee the majesty of the state to defend them (Santoni, 123). Machiavelli provides guidance for leaders for tasks such as dealing with newly acquired territory, choosing administrators, how to steer diplomacy, and war off the beaten track(predicate)there (Lerner, 1950).Machiavelli gives specific examples of the way to govern newly acquired territory. He uses various situations by which a Prince couldacquire new territory and how he should govern the territory. Machiavelli is sensitive to the principles of the people of the newly acquired territory. He acknowledges that the people will overthrow the leader if he crosses them, One who by his own valor and measures animates the mass of the people, he will not find himself deceived by them, he will find he has laid his foundations well (S antoni, 114). To be a Prince you must be feared by your people, but not hated. Hatred will lead to destruction. Machiavelli wants the prince to form an atmosphere in which the people fear him, but also highly respect him (Lerner, 1950). The fear comes from the potential use of force by the Princes military against them. Machiavelli argues that a princes sole obligation is to protect the nation a prince is in overtop of the military and is in charge of national security.By proving military dominance, you gain power (Lerner, 1950). With this power, you can manipulate the interests of the people. Machiavelli believes that humans are in control of their actions that curb their destinies. Machiavelli also argues that humans do not have control over all events. A prince must only take into account what benefits the state when making decisions concerning the state. Machiavelli acknowledges that it is not morality of divinity that will get Italy out of this terrible mess (Lerner, 1950). M achiavelli argues that self-interest and self-protection, hence national interests, should be pursued ruthlessly. A prince can only commit cruelty if his ends justify his means, A prince, therefore, must not mind subject the charge of cruelty for the purpose of retention his subjects united and faithful(Santoni, 113). If he is universe cruel for the benefit of the nation, then so be it, In the actions of men and curiously of Princes, from which there is no appeal, the end justifies the means (Santoni, 123). Many criticized Machiavelli for being Anti-Christ and attempting to redirect our society towards immorality (Lerner, 1950). These people could not come to grasp with reality. They did not want to believe his words were true. It is apparent that Machiavellis ideas were far beyond his time.All humans have part of them that is ethical and normative, but we are also stubborn (Lerner, 1950). This stubbornness results in two sides of political thought. Those who pursue rough passi onate ideal and those who accept reality and look for solutions to our shortcomings. The prince embodies the foundations for Politics the struggle amongst ethical or realistic reasoning. Machiavelli does not adhere to theideas of reformers or idealists. He is a realist. He gives concrete examples of ways in which a prince should govern and how a people are to be command. Ideals and ethics are not powerful techniques in politics. A successful statesman is an artist (Lerner, 1950). He knows how to manipulate the attitudes of the people by providing them with stability and prosperity. Religious leaders can ready moral, but they have never prove to be more powerful then a statesman (Lerner, 1950).Even in the development of the American colonies, men of perfection who were brought to power learned how to use their power corruptly (Lerner, 1950). Today, and during Machiavellis era, we are face up with a world of conflicting principalities. The struggle we face today is how much to coalesce our principles to help obtain peace (Lerner, 1950). How far can we integrate before liberties are lost? What are we willing to devote? Machiavelli explains that he is an observer of politics. He cannot issue an ethical context to the patterns he has ascertained in history. He simply observed the patterns and interpreted conclusions that can be gained from them. therefrom Machiavellianism provides structure, but does not provide an passable philosophy for a way of flavour (Lerner, 1950). Machiavelli sought to prove what politics really is, not what we believe to be. We fear Machiavelli because he speaks the truth. Machiavelli acknowledges that leaders do not always act according to the virtues they said they would act upon. Machiavelli argues that leaders seek power ruthlessly (Lerner, 1950).He acknowledges that it is easy to be ruled but hard to rule ourselves. He also acknowledges that those in different forms of regimen need to be dealt with differently (Lerner, 195 0). Rulers of Machiavellis time despised him because he let the world know how their authority works. In modern society we hate Machiavelli because he is making us face the predicament we have created (Lerner, 1950). He made visual all that which we chose to ignore. Deceit and ruthlessness are present in all governments. Machiavelli causes us to face our major issue of adapting our egalitarian techniques to the demands of the world (Lerner, 1950). Machiavellis thoughts are not unpolitical. They are in fact exceedingly political. Machiavelli was able to observe patterns in government and provide a solution to the devastation these institutions created.In The Prince, Machiavelli listed the tactics that need to be used by a leader to gain control of the people. Machiavelli recognized that ethical principlesare important to the citizens, and the happiness of the citizens is a component of a states stability. As a citizen he was able to get the best view of the effects of policy. Mac hiavelli was a realist. He knew that power was the center of politics. Machiavelli did not set out to explain human nature or to provide his reader with a way of life. He wrote The Prince to explain the kinetics of the state and they ways in which the state can be successful. Machiavelli was a revolutionary thinker who opened our eyes to the reality of the political arena.Works Cited1.Santoni, Ronald. Social and governmental Philosophy. New York Random House, Inc., 1963. Print. 2.Lerner, Max. Machiavelli the Realist. Random House, Inc.. (1950) Print.

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