Friday, October 18, 2019

Critical Literature Review for Organizing for Success

Critical for Organizing for Success - Literature review Example Diversity therefore means any significant difference that distinguishes an individual from another (Yang & Konrad, 2011). This diversity affects motivation, success, performance and interactions with others within the organizations. In order for an organization to manage diversity to enable its success, the managers and other leaders must have a broader perspective on diversity which will enable them to include a variety of other dimensions (Choi & Rainey, 2010). Diversity in the workplace has been managed by many organizations enabling them to succeed (Cook & Glass, 2009). Workplace diversity management is the process of managerial for developing an environment that is suitable for all the employees. This will enable all staff to feel that they are included and not excluded in the management process (Herring, 2009). The staff will have a good relationship that enables employees to deal with the important issues that may arise later as explained by Yang and Konrad (2011). Implementat ion of diversity in the workplace involves creation of an inclusive environment that values and welcomes the contributions and talents of other people with different experiences, backgrounds and perspectives (Wood, 2012). Therefore, the paper reviews various literature works on the management diversity in organizations focusing on the following research questions: 1. How has diversity management enabled business organizations to prosper? 2. How managers and human resource directors ensures diversity implementation. The objectives of the study include the following; 1. To enable an individual to understand himself or herself in relationship to the people around them. This involves one’s own place within cultures, demographic subgroups and cultures and how these characteristics affect how they think and act (Hughes, 2012). 2. To understand the people around us including the peers, subordinates, our bosses, customers and other competitors. 3. To understand the process leading to usual reactions to anger, difference, hatred and fear and learn the positive way of responding to them. 4. To understand how management of diversity is related to strategic changes in organizations. 5. To equip one with management skills that improves outcome due to the fact that business environment, organizations and workforce are becoming more diverse. Organizational Frames Hughes (2012) explains that inclusiveness is useful in diversity management. In order to realize its usefulness, managers and human resource directors must identify the motives they have behind their interest in diversity (Visagie et al, 2011). The managers and directors should also identify the specific ways the organizations will benefit from diversity (Choi & Rainey, 2010). The success of diversity will depend whether the organization wants to tolerate, manage, harness, leverage, value or celebrate diversity (Wood, 2012). The outcomes organizations achieve are affected by the initiatives of framing workpla ce diversity (Visagie et al, 2011). Depending on how an organization defines diversity, the outcomes will be affected greatly (Hughes, 2012). An organization may define diversity as responsibility of only part of the organization, as a focused activity of a community, as a strategic planning outcome, or as a social justice (Hughes, 2012). Klarsfeld (2010) asserts that business organizations are different in both the degree to which they define diversity

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