Friday, October 18, 2019

Medical Microbiology case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medical Microbiology case study - Essay Example ion which is the infection of the urethra and bladder that is shown by pain during urination, frequent urinating, blood stained urine and ‘NO’ fever is reported. The upper urinary tract infection that is the infection of the kidney parenchyma and pylus that shows in lower UTI signs and symptoms, fever and chills, vomiting and nausea (Tadesse & Alem, 2006). Laboratory diagnosis involves direct microscopic examinations of white blood cells, erythrocytes and epithelial cells. Existence of more than five white blood cells and many epithelial cells per HPF indicates UTI (Tadesse & Alem, 2006). Also culture can be done through blood agar medium and Mac Conkey agar medium. Culture results are interpreted as greater than or equal to 105cfu/ml of urine indicates UTI. Less than 103cfu/ml of urine shows specimen contamination, 103 - 105 cfu/ml of urine is not certain and 103 - 105cfu/ml of urine in catheterized specimen or symptomatic patient shows UTI (Tadesse & Alem, 2006). There are two species: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and pseudomallei. Our species of interest is P. Aeruginosa. It is located in animal and human intestines, soil, water and moist areas in hospitals. Primarily, it is a nosocomial bacterium. It invades and triggers infections in hospitalized persons whose host defences are abnormal. It produces toxins. Its antigenic features include exotoxin A which by hindering protein synthesis is cytotoxic, pili to stick to epithelial cells, lipopolysacchride which has an endotoxic effect, exopolysacchride that has anti – phagocytic features and its enzymes include protease, hemolysins, phospholipases C and elastases which digests proteins (Tadesse & Alem, 2006). Its clinical features are that it’s pathogenic when it is introduced into environments that lack the required defences such as neutropenia of any cause, a broken mucus membrane and the utilization of urine catheter. Urinary tract infection is related with an indwelling catheter (Tadesse & Alem,

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